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FSX Mitsubishi J8M1 Shusui v1


FSX Mitsubishi J8M1 Shusui v1 // by UENOSHING / March 12, 2022_Japan




The Mitsubishi J8M Shusui is a Japanese secret weapon jointly developed by the Japanese Navy and the Army at the end of World War II and flies with rocket power.
It was developed to fly at an altitude of 10,000 meters and shoot down the B-29 at a speed of 900 km / h.
It is based on the German Messerschmitt Me163.

On July 7, 1945, Shusui made its first flight at Yokosuka Naval Base.
After takeoff, the engine of the Shusui stopped while climbing.
The accident is reportedly because the fuel was not full.
If Shusui failed to take off, he promised to dump it in the sea, but he tried to return to the base.
However, it was difficult to control the Shusui, which lost power.
Shusui touched the building and failed on landing, and the pilot later died.

Why didn't the pilot dump the aircraft into the sea?
When an airplane is dumped into the sea, it becomes difficult to determine the cause of the failure.
And development is delayed.
The Shusui test pilot must have thought so.

The cities of Japan at that time were exposed to the bombing of the B-29 from high skies.
Most Japanese fighters cannot fight at an altitude of 10,000 meters, so the Japanese Navy entrusted Shusui with hope.
In 1944, 16 talented pilots were selected for the Shusui  project. They are all in the second lieutenant class.
Later, the 312th Naval Air Corps was formed to operate Shusui.

The 16 selected members trained daily on the MXY8 Akikusa, a non-powered glider in the shape of Shusui, until Shusui was completed.
Most are skid training for safe landing.
Therefore, none of them, who had been training hard to return, would have thought of ramming attacks.
After a sortie in Shusui, I will return to the base and sortie again, training hard every day.
And they called themselves "Shusui squadron".

My father was a student of the Japanese Navy's "Navy Pilot Preparation Course Trainee 15th Term (Yokaren)".
I saw a red triangular plane flying because it was near Hyakuri, which belonged to the Tsuchiura Navy Air Corps and was trained by the Shusui squadron.
As his father testified, the body of MXY8 Akigusa was painted crimson like the setting sun.
MXY8 Akikusa is Shusui's non-powered trainer.

The war was over and my father didn't go to the battlefield. 
So I was born after the war.
I heard the story many times.
So maybe I wanted to build Shusui.

Surprisingly, the Japanese Aviation engineers completed the J8M Shusui in just one year from inadequate data and made it fly brilliantly.
I was surprised at the high technical capabilities of the Japanese Aviation engineers at that time.
And as a Japanese, I am proud of J8M Shusui.

As mentioned above, the high technical capabilities of the Japanese who completed the first rocket-powered aircraft and the 
first tailless aircraft in just one year are worthy of respect.
I wanted to build this aircraft as an FS model from before.

The name Shusui expresses "autumn clear water" in Japanese characters, and the meaning is "a very sharp Japanese sword."
I dedicate my FSX / J8M1 Shusui to the Japanese Aviation engineer at the time and Captain Toyohiko Inuzuka (23 years old) who died in the first flight.


//--------------------------------------------------------------------------About this model--------------------------------------------------------------------------

The rocket burning time of Shusui is only about 6 minutes.
It climbs to an altitude of 10,000 meters in just three and a half minutes.The remaining time was to accelerate to 900 km / h and kill the B-29 with a 30 mm cannon.
The fuel is used up in the air, and the return flight glides like a glider and returns to the base.

The actual Shusui did not have a generator.
In Me163, it seems that a small wind propeller attached to the nose was used to generate electricity for the battery, but that technology was not established in Japan.
So my FSX J8M1 Shusui doesn't use a generator either, so the battery voltage drops steadily.
If the voltage drops, the engine cannot be reignited.

If this FSX J8M1 Shusui rises to 10,000 meters, the engine operating time will be about 6 minutes. (It's shorter if you're flying low.)
After that, it will glide and return.

I have prepared two models for FSX. The Mitsubishi J8M1 "prottype Shusui" that flew for the first time, and the mass-produced "model 11" that was not realized.
This time, instead of using the XML gauge, I tried using the gauge with the animation key to be incorporated in the model.
Traditional XML gauges don't glow at night.
It glows with the Night Texture.
I wanted to realize the atmosphere of Japanese WW2 aircraft.

This model also has a gun effect.
If you want, remove the "X" in front of the light.9.10,11 numbers in the [LIGHTS] Sections.
In that case, if you press the all-light lighting key (L), the gun effect will also be lit at the same time.
The strobe light effect illuminates the gun effect.
You need a shortcut key for the FSX strobe light.

Also, for the XML gauge of the exhaust burner effect, Rob Barendregt has previously given me permission to use and modify the file.
And I fixed his effect XML for J8M1 Shusui.
And this model was modeled using FSDS v3.51.
I used AirWrench2 and AirWizEd v.003 for flight dynamics.
I used Adobe Photoshop to create the texture.
In addition, I used Blender, ModelComverterX, FS Panel Studio, DXTBmp, Adobe Lightroom, etc.
I am grateful for these software.

Enjoy a realistic J8M1 Shusui flight!


1: Please replenish the fuel to the full tank.

2: Master battery ON.

3: Avionics switch ON.

4: Engine starter ON.

5: Lower the flap one step. (The skid extends and the tire moves to the takeoff position.)

6: Check that the engine start confirmation lamp is yellow, the chamber press indicator, or the tachometer is running the engine.

7: This Shusui has no generator, the engine may stop if the voltage drops, so take off early.

8: After gliding and the aircraft floats, operate the gear lever to release the wheels. Then retract the flap.

9: Climb up to 10,000 meters within three and a half minutes after takeoff. Keep in mind that if you fly low, you will run out of fuel quickly.

10: When you reach 10,000 meters, move on to level flight and reach maximum speed.

11: The fuel will run out in about 6 minutes. Get ready for your return.

12: The engine is stopped, so I will return while gliding.

13: Preparation for landing. Do not touch the gear lever. Do not use the gear lever for landing, but use the skid. If you lower the flap lever by one step, the skid will be lowered at the same time as the flap.

14: The flap has two stages. I think the landing speed should be 120 knots or less.

15; If the FSX reality setting is hard, you have to land more carefully.

16: I hope you can land safely.

17: If you want to take off again, please reset your flight. Even if you refuel, the voltage is low and the engine will not start again.



//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keyboard shortcuts--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Wheel release          : G 
Flap, skid retract     : F6
Flap, skid extend      : F7
Gunfire (strobe light) : Up to you.


//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography--------------------------------------------------------------------------

My FSX J8M1 Shusui referred to the material below.

Kazuya Shibata "Yuujin rocket sentoki Shusui"
Yoshiro Ikari "Maboroshi no Sentoki"
Yoji Watanabe "Itan no Sora"
Gakken Publishing "Rekishi Gunzou" No.102 August 2010 issue.
Website / "Funatsu Aviation Instruments Museum"

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spec--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Type (NAVY): J8M Shusui
Type (ARMY): Ki 200 Shusui
Wingspan: 9.5m (31.17 ft)
Length: 5.95m (19.52 ft)
Height: 2.7m
Wing area: 17.73 ㎡ (190.84 sqft)

Empty weight: 1505 kg
Loaded 3900 kg:
Max takeoff weight: 2450kg
Maximum speed: 900 km
Landing speed: 150 km
Rocket motor: KR10 (thrust: 1,500 kg)
Turbine pump speed: 14500 rpm
Boot power supply: 24V-1kw
T stoff: 580 Little (153 gallon)
C stoff: 160Little (42.26 gallon)

Climbing power: Approximately 3 minutes and 30 seconds up to 10,000 m
Cruising time: Approximately 6 minutes
Armed: Ho-155-II, 2 30mm cannons, 50 shots each


//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Unzip the downloaded "" file.
Copy the "Effects" and "Sim Objects" folders inside the unzipped "zue_j8m1_v1" folder and paste them into the FSX folder.
You will see the "FSX Mitsubishi J8M1 Shusui_v1" folder inside the Airplanes folder.


/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Copyright ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

1: Developing a flight simulation model has many years of time, knowledge and technology accumulated. I hope you understand that point.
2: This package is freeware.
3: The copyrights of models, panels, textures belong to me.
4: No one can copy this file and upload this model to any website on the Internet without my explicit permission.
5: I do not permit commercial use and paid distribution of this package.
6: To modify the specification of the model or to distribute texture repaints, my permission is necessary, please contact me.
7: I made this model for FSX ACCELERATION. I haven't checked for work other than FSX.
8: I haven't had any problems with my computer using this package.
9: This model was created for my personal enjoyment. Please use at your own risk. I accept no responsibility in case of problems.

☆If you have any comments, please email me.

+UENOSHING+ Kanagawa Japan 


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FSX Mitsubishi J8M1 Shusui v1 // by UENOSHING / March 12, 2022_Japan


//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 概要 --------------------------------------------------------------------------

三菱J8M 秋水は、第二次世界大戦末期に日本の海軍と陸軍が共同開発したロケットを動力とする日本の秘密兵器です。









わたしのFSX/J8M1 秋水を、当時の日本の航空技士と初飛行で殉死した犬塚豊彦大尉(23歳)に捧げます。






このFSX J8M1 SHUSUIは、1万メートルまで上昇すれば、エンジン稼働時間は6分くらいです。(低空を飛んでいればもっと短いです。)

私はFSXの為に初飛行した試製秋水、 そして、実際には完成しなかったようですが、量産用の秋水11型の2つのモデルを用意しました。


排気バーナーエフェクトのXMLゲージには、Rob Barendregt氏から、私にファイルの使用と変更の許可を頂いております。
彼のエフェクト XMLを、自分で秋水用に修正いたしました。

そしてこのモデルはFSDS v3.51を使用してモデリングしました。
フライトダイナミクスにはAirWrench2、AirWizEd v.003を使用しました。
テクスチャ作成にはAdobe Photoshopを使用しました。
その他、Blender、ModelComverterX、FS Panel Studio、DXTBmp、Adobe Lightroomなど使用しました。



2: 主電源 (マスターバッテリー) ON。
3: 無線機 (アヴィオニクススイッチ) ON。
4: 原動機 始動スイッチ (エンジンスターター)ON。
5: フラップを一段下げる。(タイヤが離陸位置に動きます。)
6: エンジン始動確認ランプが黄色、チャンバープレスインジケーター、またはタコメータでエンジンが作動していることを確認。
7: 電圧が下がると、エンジンが止まるかもしれません、早く離陸しましょう。
8: 滑走し、機体が浮かんだらギアレバーを操作し、タイヤを投棄します。そのあとすぐフラップアップしてください。
9; 離陸したら1万メートルまで上昇しましょう。低空を飛んでいる場合、すぐに燃料がなくなります。
10; 1万メートルに達したら、水平飛行に移り、最高速を出しましょう。
11: 6分くらいで燃料は尽きるでしょう。帰投の準備をしてください。
13: 着陸の準備です。スキッドで着陸しますので、ギアレバーの操作はしないでください。フラップレバーを下げるとスキッドも一緒に下がります。
14: フラップは2段階です。着陸速度は、120ノット以下が望ましいと思います。
15; リアリティの設定がハードならば、より慎重に着陸しなければなりません。
16: どうか無事に着陸できることを祈ってます。
17: 再び離陸する場合は、フライトをリセットしてください。電圧が下がっているので、給油してもエンジンは再び動きません。



タイヤ投棄             : G 
フラップ、スキッド収納 : F6
フラップ、スキッド展開 : F7
機銃発射               : ショートjカットはあなた次第


FSX/J8M1 Shusuiを構築するにあたり、数々の資料を参考にしました。

柴田一哉著 / 「友人ロケット戦闘機
碇義郎著 / 「幻の戦闘機」   
渡辺洋二著 / 「異端の空」    
学研パブリッシング / 歴史群像 No.102 2010年8月号   
Webサイト / 「船津航空計器博物館」



機体略号    海軍:J8M
全幅           9.5m  (31.17 ft)
全長           5.95m (19.52 ft)
全高           2.7m  
翼弦           2.75 m (9.02 ft)
主翼面積      17.73 ㎡ (190.84 sqft)

自重 1505kg
全備重量 3900 kg
離陸重量 2450kg
最高速度 900 km
着陸速度 150 km
発動機    特呂二号 KR10(推力:1,500 kg)(3,307 lb)
タービンポンプ回転数 14500rpm
起動電源機 24V - 1kw
甲液 (T stoff 580Little)(153gallon) 乙液 (C stoff 160Little)(42.26 gallon)
最高速度    890km/h
上昇力    10,000mまで約3分30秒
航続時間    約6分
武装    ホ155-II 30mm機関砲2挺 各50発



Airplanesフォルダの中に「FSX Mitsubishi J8M1 Shusui_v1」フォルダが見えるでしょう。


/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 著作権についての重要事項 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

1: フライトシミュレーションモデルの開発には、何年もの時間と知識と技術の蓄積があります。その点を尊重していただけたら幸いです。
2: このパッケージはフリーウェアです。使用に対して料金はかかりません。
3: モデル、パネル、テクスチャの著作権は、作者に帰属します。
4: 作者の明示的な許可なしに、このファイルをコピーしてインターネット上のいかなるwebサイトにもこのモデルをアップロードすることはできません。
5: このパッケージを商業目的で使用したり、有料で配布したりすることは許可していません。
6: モデルの仕様を改変、またはテクスチャのリペイントを配布する場合は、私の許可が必要です。私に連絡いただければ幸いです。
7: このモデルはFSX用に作りました。FSX以外では動作確認していません。
8: このパッケージの使用で、私のパソコンに問題は起きていません。
9: このモデルは私の個人的な楽しみで作成したものです。あなたの責任で使用してください。問題が発生した場合、私は責任を負いません。


+UENOSHING+ Kanagawa Japan 


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