I started FSX in 2008. It's my first flight simulator.
Over time, I wanted to build my own aircraft that wasn't in the add-on.
My father was a pilot trainee of the Imperial Japanese Navy.
My father told me many times about Japanese Navy fighters to me as a child.
That's why he has always liked flying objects since he was a kid, so he made model planes and flew them many times.
When I was in elementary school, I read a simple aerodynamic book and learned how to fly.
I learned how to fly well. That may have influenced the creation of the FS model.
I also liked motorcycle customization and was also interested in mecha.
FSX is an item that can embody all my interests so far.
Since 2012, I have enjoyed using Abacus FS Design Studio v3.5 to create my own FS model.
Even though I am not good at English, I was able to handle 80% in about a year while struggling with English software.
By the time I first released the XF-91 in 2019, I had about nine aircraft built.
XF-103_version0 is the first model created with FSDS v3.5.
(XF-103_v1 and later are newly built models.)
I wanted to fly the XF-103, which I loved when I was a kid, with the FSX.
I learned FSDS v3.5 during the production of XF-103.
My XF-103 version 0 was completed in 3 months.
My belief is mainly to model American and Japanese, as well as German prototypes and unfinished aircraft.
Blender is also studying secretly for the time to come.
May 14,2021