"Never built aircraft" that were only plans.
Aircraft that were only built as "prototypes".
"Memorable aircraft" that were all destroyed and are no longer in museums.
"Forgotten aircraft" that no one knows about anymore.
I want to bring these aircraft back to life in the world of flight simulators.
fs model museum
Creating Aircraft for FSX
My aircraft models are available for download as freeware from Flightsim.com and the Simviation site.
I haven't uploaded anything other than the above.
Also, "Rikoooo" has permission to release some of my FS models.
Also, I do not give permission other than the above.
If you downloaded it, please read the copyright section of the readme before enjoying it.
I haven't confirmed if it works in other flight simulators.
If you have any questions, please contact us from the comments section of this site or by email.
If you use my models for anything, please contact me. Using them without permission is against the law.
このサイトでは、私が3DCGソフトで構築した「Microsoft Flight Simulator X ACCELERATION」(FSX) 用の航空機を紹介しています
一部のエアクラフトモデルは 「Flightsim.com」や「Simviation」からフリーウェアとしてダウンロードできます。
私は上記以外のサイトへはアップロードしていません。 また「Rikoooo」は私のFSモデルを公開する許可をしています。
ダウンロードした場合は、Readme の著作権に関する項目を読んでからお楽しみください。