FSX Lockheed XFV-1_v1.12
//UENOSHING fs model museum 006
//FSX Lockheed XFV-1_v1.12
//U.S.NAVY VTOL Prototype fighter
// by UENOSHING Aug 31, 2022_Japan
//--------------------------------------------------------- Update history------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<< v1.12 / 2022.08.31 Fixed
Fixed Aircraft.cfg.
I forgot to write the [Radios] section in the last update.
My model is built for FSX, but with this fix P3D avionics may work.
(Not guaranteed to work with P3D).
And the unstable engine sometimes caused the parking brake to not work and move on its own, but I was finally able to fix that.
It has revised engine power and brake settings.
Instead, it has a slightly reduced top speed and struggles to reach altitudes of 30,000 feet.
I focused on stability on the ground.
However, the engine is still unstable, so be careful with VTOL conversion.
I thought FSX turboprop engine difficult.
<< v1.11 / 2022.08.25 updated
After releasing v1, I compared my XFV-1 to the photos again and felt it needed fixing.
Because I modeled 9 years ago when I was still inexperienced with FSDS.
So I bulged out the canopy and the lower fuselage a bit.
I also sharpened the spinner a little and installed the tail wing parts that I had forgotten.
So Luckily the texture wasn't a large scale fix.
I also fixed some other concerns.
Improved flight dynamics and engine performance.
Fixed autopilot lamp gauge XML.
About the night display of the VC warning lamp, about the shadow of the propeller, adjustment of the specular map, etc.
It was failing to land vertically on hard realism settings, but the success rate has been increased.
<< v1 / 2022.08.3 released.
//--------------------------------------------------------- Install-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You need the previous file "zue_lockheed xfv1_v1.11.zip".
Unzip the downloaded "zue_lockheed_xfv1_v1.12_up.zip" and put all the files in the "zue_lockheed xfv1_v1.12_up" folder into the "FSX Lockheed XFV-1" folder and overwrite it.
Delete the previous zue_XFV-1_v1.11.air file.
//--------------------------------------------------------- Overview------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Lockheed XFV-1 is a US Navy tail-sitter VTOL prototype built in the early 1950s.
A tail-sitter stands vertically on the ground like a human and changes to a horizontal attitude like a superman when flying.
In 1947, the United States Air Force and Navy were very interested in tail-sitter VTOL aircraft.
It seems to have been based on Focke-Wulf Triebflügel information from Germany.
VTOL aircraft can take off without a fixed airfield and can be equipped on non-aircraft carrier vessels.
In 1951, the US Navy had Convair and Lockheed build a VTOL prototype.
The first flight of the Lockheed XFV-1 was December 23, 1953.
At Muroc Field (Edwards AFB), I happened to speed up and take off accidentally during a taxi test. It flew a mile and a half.
The first official flight followed June 16, 1954.
The XFV-1 is a VTOL aircraft, but its first flight was an orthodox horizontal takeoff with a temporary landing gear that looked like training wheels on a bicycle.
The XFV-1 was hovered in flight, but all 32 flight tests were conducted in horizontal takeoff and no vertical takeoff and landing.
One year after the official first flight, the XFV-1 project was canceled on June 16, 1955.
The XFV-1 was planned to have a speed of about 580 miles, which is very fast for a turboprop aircraft.
However, in 1955, the VTOL project became obsolete and lost interest, as other new aircraft were already promised twice as fast.
Only one Lockheed XFV-1 was manufactured.
The second XFV-1 was canceled during construction.
The XFV-1 exhibited at "Aerospace Discovery at Florida Air Museum" can see the number 658 given to the second aircraft for some reason,
but it seems to be the number 657 of the first XFV-1.
The XFV-1 seems to be called salmon, but that's not true.
The XFV-1 test pilot Herman "Fish" Salmon is the origin of the nickname.
//--------------------------------------------------------- About this model ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Many unfinished aircraft projects end for the same reason.
Those aircraft are born with hope, but are then discarded when someone changes their mind on a whim.
What a cruel fate it is!
Indeed, in this era, new aircraft technologies are emerging one after another, so it's no wonder that the armed forces thinking changes.
Therefore, I would like to revive these unfinished aircraft in FSX.
When I first saw the XFV-1, I was fascinated by its unique shape.
The protruding cockpit and canopy, the large inflated propeller spinner, the beauty of the curves around the air intake,
the tail wing tires like casters on an office chair, and the simple landing gear like training wheels on a kid's bicycle.
On the ground, it looks like an animal standing on two legs.
The more I look at it, the more attractive it is, so I wanted to make it the FS model.
The XFV-1 began to be created in 2013, and the exterior model was completed in 2017.
At that time, the texture was not drawn yet.
It took me nine years because I was confused about the VTOL settings, had an affair with another aircraft, and forgot about the XFV-1.
At that time, I tried vertical takeoff and landing using flaps with the VTOL setting, but it did not climb at 0th speed, it was unstable and did not work.
The same is true for the previously released XFV-12A.
Then, using Rob Barendregt's VTOL gauge, a beautiful vertical takeoff was achieved.
Thanks to Rob Barendregt for permission to use it.
This time I used a normal map and specular light for the first time.
These were not available when building a model using FSDS.
This was achieved using the Model Converter X.
I've been researching ModelConverterX for a long time and finally I was able to do it.
Thanks to the developers of ModelConverterX.
Also, this model has not tested it to work other than FSX.
Enjoy my XFV-1.
The model design uses "Abacus FS Design Studio V3.5".
I used "Adobe Photoshop" to draw gauges and textures.
I used "DTXBmp" for the DDS file.
I used "Model Converter X" for the normal map and specular.
I used "AirWrench 2" and "AirWiz Ed" for flight dynamics.
The panel layout used "FS Panel Studio".
I used "Adobe Lightroom and photoshop" for image editing.
Engine smoke effect gauges and VTOL effect gauges are used with the permission of Rob Valendeg.
//--------------------------------------------------------- Flight--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Vertical takeoff and landing>
: Put on the parking brake before starting the engine.
: Turn on the battery, generator and avionics switch.
: Start the engine.
: This aircraft has two engines, turn on the ENG1 and ENG2 switches.
: The aircraft will move when the engine starts, so wait until the engine speed stabilizes.
: Use the SHIT-E-2 key to hide the landing gear.
: To take off the aircraft vertically, press the F8 key to make the aircraft vertical.
: Press the SHIFT-A key twice, the viewpoint becomes the VTOL cockpit.
: Press the SHIFT-A key again to turn the viewpoint to the ground.
: Take off vertically.
: Press the: F5 key to move to level flight.
: To make a vertical landing, press the F8 key to make the aircraft vertical again.
: For horizontal landing, press the SHIT-E-2 key to see the landing gear.
: Push the propeller pitch lever forward for efficiency.
: If you pull it toward you, it will be feathering.
The key to vertical landing of this XFV-1 is to check the attitude of the aircraft with the VTOL indicator of Shift-F3.
By the way, this VTOL indicator is a fictitious gauge I made.
With the VTOL indicator, you can check the vertical and horizontal of the aircraft.
Rather than landing in a true vertical position, it is safer to make a vertical landing by tilting the control stick slightly forward and making an angle.
take care!
//--------------------------------------------------------- References -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In building FSX / Lockheed XFV-1, I referred to the following materials.
I referred to the feature article of his XFV-1 in the American aviation magazine "Airpower" January, 1986 Volume 16 No.1.
//--------------------------------------------------------- Keyboard shortcuts--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
XFV-1 special shortcut key
Equipment and removal of landing gear: Shift + E + 2
VTOL mode,: F8
Normal posture: F5
//--------------------------------------------------------- Spec ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aircraft Lockheed XFV-1
Wingspan: 30 ft 10 in (11.23 m)
Length: 36 ft 10 in (9.4 m)
Tailwingspan: 17.0 ft (5.18 m)
Wing root chord: 13.5 ft (4.11 m)
Wing area: 246 sq.ft (22.85 ㎡)
Empty weight: 11,599 lb (5,261 kg)
Gross weight: 12,823 lb (5,816 kg)
Max takeoff weight: 16,221 lb (7,358 kg)
Fuel: 1,829 lbs. (3,048 lbs, fixed tip)
Maximum speed: 580 kn (1074 km) (667 mph)
Ceiling limit: 43,300 ft (13,200 m)
Motor Allison YT40 (5,100hp)
Rate of climb: 30,000 ft 5.1 minutes
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Copyright ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1: Developing a flight simulation model has many years of time, knowledge and skill. I hope you understand that point.
2: This package is freeware.
3: The copyright of the model, panel, gauge and texture belongs to the author.
4: No one can copy this file and upload this model to any website on the Internet without my explicit permission.
5: I do not permit commercial use and paid distribution of this package.
6: To modify the specification of the model or to distribute texture repaints, my permission is necessary, please contact me.
7: I made this model for FSX ACCELERATION. I haven't checked for work other than FSX.
8: I haven't had any problems with my computer using this package.
9: This model was created for my personal enjoyment. Please use at your own risk. I accept no responsibility in case of problems.
☆If you have any comments, please email me.
+UENOSHING+ Kanagawa Japan
: uenoshing@gmail.com
: http://uenoshing.hatenablog.com/
: https://uenoshing.wixsite.com/mysite/home
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// COPYRIGHT (C) 2022 UENOSHING All RIGHTS RESERVED ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//UENOSHING fs model museum 006
//FSX Lockheed XFV-1_v1.12
//U.S.NAVY VTOL Prototype fighter
// by UENOSHING Aug 31, 2022_Japan
//--------------------------------------------------------- アップデート歴 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<< v1.12 / 2022.08.31 更新
前回のアップデートで[Radios] セクションを書き忘れていました。
私のモデルは FSX 用に構築されていますが、この修正でP3D アビオニクスが動作する可能性があります。
しかしながらエンジンはまだ不安定なので、VTOL 変換には注意が必要です。
<< v1.11 / 2022.08.25 更新
<< v1 / 2022.08.3 リリース。
//--------------------------------------------------------- インストール--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
以前のファイル「zue_lockheed xfv1_v1.11.zip」が必要です。
ダウンロードした「zue_lockheed_xfv1_v1.12_up.zip」 を解凍し、「zue_lockheed xfv1_v1.12_up」フォルダのファイルを全て 「FSX Lockheed XFV-1 」フォルダの中に入れて上書きしてください。
以前の zue_XFV-1_v1.11.air ファイルは削除してください。
//--------------------------------------------------------- 概要 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ムーロック空軍基地 (現エドワーズ空軍基地) にて,タキシングテスト中にたまたま速度が上がって誤って離陸し、1マイル半飛びました。
「Aerospace Discovery at Florida Air Museum」で展示されているXFV-1はなぜか2号機に与えられた658の番号が見えますが、この機体は1号機だったらしい。
XFV-1のテストパイロットのHerman "Fish" Salmonがそのあだ名の由来です。
//--------------------------------------------------------- このモデルについて -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
そして私は Rob Barendregt氏 のVTOL gaugeを使用することにより、美しい垂直離陸を手に入れました。
それの使用の許可を与えてくれた Mr.Rob Barendregt に感謝いたします。
また、このモデルはFSX 以外での動作はテストしていません。
モデルデザインは「Abacus FS Design Studio V3.5」 を使用しました。
ゲージやテクスチャの描画は「Adobe photoshop」を使用しました。
ノーマルマップおよびスペキュラーは「ModelComverterX 」を使用しました。
パネル配置には「FS Panel Studio」を使用しました。
画像編集には「Adobe Lightroom and photoshop」を使用しました。
エンジンスモークエフェクトゲージやVTOL効果のゲージはRob Barendregt氏の許可を得て使用しています。
//--------------------------------------------------------- フライト------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
このXFV-1を垂直着陸するときのコツは、Shift-F3 のVTOLインジケーターで機体の姿勢を確認しながら着陸すると良いです。
//--------------------------------------------------------- 参考資料 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FSX/Lockheed XFV-1 を構築するにあたり、以下の資料を参考にしました。
アメリカの航空雑誌「Airpower」January,1986 Volume 16 No.1 の XFV-1の特集記事を参考にしました。
//--------------------------------------------------------- キーボードショートカット--------------------------------------------------------------------------
降着装置の装備、取り外し : Shift + E + 2
VTOL 姿勢、 : F8
通常姿勢 : F5
//--------------------------------------------------------- スペック------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
機体 Lockheed XFV-1
全幅 30 ft 10 in (11.23 m)
全長 36 ft 10 in (9.4 m)
尾翼幅 17.0 ft (5.18 m)
翼弦 13.5 ft (4.11 m)
主翼面積 246 sq.ft (22.85 ㎡)
空虚重量 11,599 lb (5,261 kg)
全備重量 12,823 lb (5,816 kg)
最大離陸重量 16,221 lb (7,358 kg)
燃料 1,829 lbs (3,048 lbs, fixed tip)
最高速度 580 kn (1074 km) (667 mph)
上昇限度 43,300 ft (13,200 m)
発動機 Allison YT40(5,100hp)
上昇力 30,000 ft まで 5.1 分
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 著作権についての重要事項 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1: フライトシミュレーションモデルの開発には、何年もの時間と知識と技能の蓄積があります。その点を尊重していただけたら幸いです。
2: このパッケージはフリーウェアです。使用に対して料金はかかりません。
3: モデル、パネル、ゲージ、テクスチャの著作権は、作者に帰属します。
4: 作者の明示的な許可なしに、このファイルをコピーしてインターネット上のいかなるwebサイトにもこのモデルをアップロードすることはできません。
5: このパッケージを商業目的で使用したり、有料で配布したりすることは許可していません。
6: モデルの仕様を改変、またはテクスチャのリペイントを配布する場合は、私の許可が必要です。私に連絡いただければ幸いです。
7: このモデルはFSX用に作りました。FSX以外では動作確認していません。
8: このパッケージの使用で、私のパソコンに問題は起きていません。
9: このモデルは私の個人的な楽しみで作成したものです。あなたの責任で使用してください。問題が発生した場合、私は責任を負いません。
+UENOSHING+ Kanagawa Japan
: uenoshing@gmail.com
: http://uenoshing.hatenablog.com/
: https://uenoshing.wixsite.com/mysite/home
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// COPYRIGHT (C) 2022 UENOSHING All RIGHTS RESERVED /////////////////////////////////////////////////////