FSX Republic XF-91A Thunderceptor_v2
FSX Republic XF-91 Thunderceptor_v2 Package // uenoshing. September 20,2020
---------------------------CHANGES WITH RESPECT TO VERSION 2 -------------------------------------------------------------
Changes from v1.01
1: Modification of some polygons and textures of VC.
2: Modification of some VC switches.
3: Clean type or external fuel tank type can be selected in one model.(Requires FSX ACCELERATION)
4: Addition of afterburner effects.
5: Addition of new animations.
This package contains four types of XF-91:
XF-91A: Unit number one. The unfinished XLR27 rocket engine model envisioned Mach 2 speeds.
XF-91A2: The XLR11 rocket engine model, which replaced the canceled XLR27, was the first fighter in the world to exceed the speed of sound.
XF-91B: A model in which unit number one is changed to a radome nose.
XF-91V: A model in which unit number two is changed to a butterfly tail. The rocket engine is removed, and the model is a turbojet engine only.
This is a native FSX /Acceleration project.
VC controls the animation of this aircraft.
In the package of this version 2, I modeled the XF-91A_46-680 (with XLR11-RM-9 rocket engine), which was the first fighter in the world to exceed the speed of sound, as the XF-91A2.
I would like to keep this model in the world of FSX as a memorial.
With this upgrade, my XF-91 changed a lot.
I think that the engine start became faster, mainly due to the review of the VC switches.
I could finally understand the structure of the effect, so I used it in the XF-91_v2.
Mr. Rob Barendregt gave me permission to use and modify the file for the XML gauge for effects.
He is a specialist at XML Gauges and my XF-91 afterburner would not have been successful without his afterburner effects.
And, I received advice from Mr. Erwin Welker, who is famous in the FSX world, and included a technique I did not know so far into XF-91_v2.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Rob Barendregt and Mr. Erwin Welker.
//---------------------------- Production history --------------------------------------------------------------------------
XF-91 is an American prototype fighter I liked as a child, thick wings as the wings go outward, "reverse tapered wing" tickled my child 's heart.
When I became an adult, I encountered FSX, I encountered FSDS v3.5, and I dreamed of manipulating those fighters when I was a child. I thought that FSX could realize that dream.
It was around 2013 that I started work on XF - 91. The fuselage was completed in 2016, but it took a long time to create a VC cockpit and gauge.
I tried to resign it many times because English translation of FSDS v3.5 was difficult. Everything is self-contained and self-taught.
It may be immature completeness, please forgive me if you do not like it.
This FSX model of XF - 91 was made with Abacus FS Design Studio v 3.5 and we adjusted aerodynamics by Airwrench 2.
I appreciate Abacus FS Design Studio v 3.5 and Airwrench 2.
I really appreciate Steve Ginter's "AIR FORCE LEGENDS NUMBER 210 Republic XF-91" which is very useful as a material.
//----------------------------- XF-91 Histry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
XF-91 was an interceptor developed in 1949 for the sole purpose of defending the US airspace.According to the plan, the time allocated to the combat operation of XF-91 was about 25.5 minutes.
The XF-91 was required to have a climbing power of 47,500 feet in 2 minutes, a cruising speed of 486 knots, a combat duration of 688 knots for 3 minutes and a descent time from 47,500 feet of 5 minutes.
Originally I intended to use the Curtiss-Wright XLR27 CW-1 rocket motor 8,400 lb of thrust (2,100 lb thrust per chamber), but the neither the preferred version of the rocket motor was yet available.
May 9, 1949,The first flight of XF-91 number one (46-6860) was completed successfully.
The reverse tapered wings of XF-91 showed an effect, showing an approach speed slower than that of Chase Plane 's F-86A.
The first flight of XF-91 number two on October 14, 1949, after-burning thrust 7,500 lb afterburning J47-GE-17 turbojet engine was used, V time type tail was installed.
(Called a butterfly tail)
In the flight of XF-91 number one on December 9, 1952, XLR11-RM-9 was used instead of the originally planned XLR27 rocket motor.
It had 4 reactive motors of 6,000 lb (thrust of 1,500 lb per chamber).
In the flight at this time the XF-91 number one reached the Mach 1.07 by breaking the speed of sound during the level flight at an altitude of 35,000 feet.
This was the speed of the sound for the first time in the world as a fighter plane.
After that, number one XF-91 added a radome nose later.
This model reproduced the Curtiss-Wright XLR 27 CW-1 rocket motor which could not be obtained.
*I referred to "AIR FORCE LEGENDS NUMBER 210 Republic XF-91"
//---------------------- PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Length: 43 feet,3 inches
Height: 18 ft,16 in
Wingspan: 31 ft,2.7in
Wing sweepback: 40°
Wing area: 320 square feet
Empty weight: 14,140 lb (6,410 kg)
Loaded weight: 8,600 lb (8,400 kg)
Max. takeoff weight: 28,300 lb
Power unit: J47-GE-17 turbojet engine, 5425 pounds at 7950 rpm, 7350 pounds - force with afterburning
: Reaction Motors XLR11-RM-9 rocket motor,6,000 lbf. (XF-91V is a turbojet only, not installed with a rocket engine)
Fuel capacity 231 gallons (fuselage)
Front fuselage LOX (liquid oxygen fuel) tank - 50 gallons
Rear body LOX (liquid oxygen fuel) tank - 87 gallons
Water alcohol tank of fuselage - 191 gallons
Two droppable tanks - 60 gallon (jet fuel) + 216 gallons of LOX (liquid oxygen fuel) each 265 gallons of water alcohol
//----------------------------- Note -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The XF - 91 has a turbojet engine and a rocket engine.
My FSX XF - 91 model has two engines.I set the first engine as a turbojet engine and the
second engine as a rocket engine.
Even if one engine is cut, you can fly without breaking the balance.
After taking off, please cut the rocket engine because fuel efficiency will be poor.
The time allowed for the XF-91 interception mission is 25 minutes.
//----------------------------- INSTALLATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you have previous versions of my FSX Republic XF-91 Thunderceptor, please remove them first.
To install the FSX Republic XF-91 Thunderceptor_v2, unzip the "zue_Republic_XF91_v2_package.zip" file to a suitable location.
Copy the "Effects folder" and "SimObject folder" in the unzipped "FSX Republic XF-91A Thunderceptor_v2" folder to the main FSX folder.
You can find 4 types of FSX Republic XF-91 Thunderceptor_v2 in your Airplane folder.
This package is freeware.
The copyrights of models, panels, textures belong to the author.
You can not copy this file and upload this model to any site on the Internet.
It is not permitted to use it for commercial purposes.
To modify the specification of the model or distribute repainment, my permission is necessary, please contact me. .
I made this model for FSX/Acceleration. Operation is not checked except FSX/Acceleration.
My computer does not cause problems.
Please use this model at your own risk. I am not responsible.
"uenoshing" / Kanagawa Japan / January 2020 /uenoshing@gmail.com / http://uenoshing.hatenablog.com/
Copyright (C) 2020 uenoshing All rights reserved.
FSX Republic XF-91 Thunderceptor_v2 Package // uenoshing. September 20,2020
3: 増加燃料タンクが一つのモデルで選択できます。(FSX ACCELERATION が必要です)
5: その他、アニメーションの見直し。
XF-91A:ユニット番号1。 未完成に終わったXLR27ロケットエンジンモデルは、マッハ2の速度を想定していました。
これはネイティブのFSX / Accelerationプロジェクトです。
今回のバージョン2パッケージには、戦闘機として世界初の音速を超えたXF-91A_46-680 (XLR11-RM-9ロケットエンジン搭載)をXF-91A2としてモデル化しました。
エフェクトのXMLゲージに関しては、Rob Barendregt氏から、ファイルの使用と変更の許可を頂きました。
彼はXML Gaugesのスペシャリストで、彼のアフターバーナーエフェクトが無ければ私のXF-91のアフターバーナーは成功しなかったでしょう。
また、FSX界の大御所Erwin Welker氏からのアドバイスを受け、今まで知らなかったテクニックを授かり、これまたXF-91_v2に盛り込みました。
Rob Barendregt氏とErwin Welker氏の二人の大御所に敬意と感謝を申し上げます。
英語版のFSDS v3/5の翻訳で何度も挫折しそうになりました。すべてが自己流、独学です。
このXF-91のFSXモデルは、Abacus FS Design Studio v3.5で製作し、Airwrench2によってエアロダイナミクスを調整しました。
Abacus FS Design Studio v3.5とAirwrench2に感謝致します。
Steve Ginter氏による"AIR FORCE LEGENDS NUMBER 210 Republic XF-91"は資料として大変役に立ちました、感謝致します。
//---------------------- XF-91 Histry --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
当初、Curtiss-Wright XLR27 CW-1ロケットモーター 8,400ポンドの推力(1チャンバー当たり2,100ポンドの推力)を使用するつもりでしたが、開発は間に合いませんでした。
このモデルは入手できなかったCurtiss-Wright XLR 27 CW-1ロケットモーターを再現しました。
*上記はアメリカで出版された "AIR FORCE LEGENDS NUMBER 210 Republic XF-91"を参考にしました。
//---------------------- PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Length: 43 feet,3 inches
Height: 18 ft,16 in
Wingspan: 31 ft,2.7in
Wing sweepback: 40°
Wing area: 320 square feet
Empty weight: 14,140 lb (6,410 kg)
Loaded weight: 8,600 lb (8,400 kg)
Max. takeoff weight: 28,300 lb
Power unit: J47-GE-17 turbojet engine, 5425 pounds at 7950 rpm, 7350 pounds - force with afterburning
: Reaction Motors XLR11-RM-9 rocket motor,6,000 lbf. (XF-91Vはターボジェットのみで、ロケットエンジンは搭載されていません)
Fuel capacity 231 gallons (fuselage)
Front fuselage LOX (liquid oxygen fuel) tank - 50 gallons
Rear body LOX (liquid oxygen fuel) tank - 87 gallons
Water alcohol tank of fuselage - 191 gallons
Two droppable tanks - 60 gallon (jet fuel) + 216 gallons of LOX (liquid oxygen fuel) each 265 gallons of water alcohol
//------------------------------------------ メモ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
XF-91はターボジェットエンジンとロケットエンジンを搭載しています。私のFSX XF-91モデルはジェットエンジンを
//--------------------------------- インストール ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
私のFSX Republic XF-91 Thunderceptorの以前のヴァージョンがある場合は、最初にそれらを削除してください。
FSX Republic XF-91 Thunderceptor_v2 をインストールするには、「zue_Republic_XF91_v2_package.zip」ファイルを適切な場所に解凍します。
解凍された「FSX Republic XF-91A Thunderceptor_v2」フォルダの中の「Effectsフォルダー」、「SimObjectフォルダー」、をメインFSXフォルダーにコピーします。
あなたのAirplaneフォルダーの中に、4タイプのFSX Republic XF-91 Thunderceptor_v2が格納されているでしょう。
"uenoshing" / Kanagawa Japan / January 2020 /uenoshing@gmail.com / http://uenoshing.hatenablog.com/
Copyright (C) 2020 uenoshing All rights reserved.