FSX Republic XF-103 Thunderwarrior_v2
FSX Republic XF-103 Thunderwarrior_v2 // UENOSHING. May 5, 2021_Japan
-------------------------------------------------- Updata May 5, 2021 / FSX Republic XF-103 Thunderwarrior_v2 ----------------------------------------
1: Fixed the shape of the rear fuselage model and VC model.
2: That fixed the texture significantly and changed some gauges.
3: And you can select the drop tank using the lever in the VC.
4: I removed the afterburner built into the model and changed it to the afterburner of the effect file.
5: Fixed VC panel.
6: Added 2D auxiliary panel.
7: Fixed flight dynamics.
I have significantly fixed the shape of the rear fuselage.
Because the rear fuselage is the least favorite part of this XF-103.
This update has been a satisfactory fix.
The texture of the fuselage has also changed significantly, making it incompatible with v1.1.
To tell the truth, I made a mistake and lost some of the v1.1 original texture data.
Along with that, I recreated a part of the texture.
With this update, you can choose with or without a drop tank on one model.
The yellow lever at the bottom right of the VC front panel shows and hides the drop tank.
This only works with VC panels.
I removed the afterburner built into the model and replaced it with an afterburner with an effect file.
When I released XF-103 v1, I still didn't understand the afterburner effect.
The afterburner built into the model was a tentative measure.
Some gauges have also been changed.
I think it's more like the late 50's.
Flight dynamics have been redone.
The phenomenon that the pitch up becomes stronger as the speed increases has been improved.
But I'm still not satisfied.
This is for FSX ACCELERATION. I haven't tested it to work elsewhere.
----------------------------------------------- Update June 16, 2020 / FSX Republic XF-103 Thunderwarrior_v1.1-----------------------------------------------
1: Partial modification of the polygon at the rear of the fuselage.
2: The drop tank is upsized by 10%.
3: Partial modification of VC.
4: Partial modification of Texture.
5: Improvements of Camera View by Mr. Erwin Welker.
----------------------------------------------- Update June 03, 2020 / FSX Republic XF-103 Thunderwarrior_v1-----------------------------------------------
:FSX Republic XF-103 Thunderwarrior has been released!
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Overview of XF-103 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Republic XF-103 Thunderwarrior is one of the missing aircraft in the Century series fighters.
High altitude and high supersonic interceptor proposed by the U.S.Air Force's MX-1554 project in 1950.
The MX-1554 is a preparation for the threat of the Soviet supersonic strategic bomber for 1954.
The first flight was scheduled for February 1957, but the plan was canceled and the XF-103 was never made.
Jet fighters of that era were still developing, and trial and error was repeated.
Many aircraft, such as the XF-103, ended only with plans.
Those sad aircraft have a unique look and system to achieve their purpose.
Of all those sad aircraft, I love the XF-103 most.
The distinctive system of XF-103 is a hybrid of turbojet engine and ramjet engine.
When accelerating to Mach 2 at high altitude, the air to the turbojet engine is cut off, and you can switch to the ramjet engine.
It accelerates above Mach 3 and reaches a target altitude of 50,000 feet.
The XF-103 could probably climb up to 75,000 feet.
The fuselage uses many titanium alloys to withstand high supersonic velocities.
I have known the XF-103 since I was a child and was fascinated by its design and performance.
Simple triangular wings and a pointed cylindrical fuselage.
The large, sharp, wedge-shaped air intake design beneath the fuselage, which looked like a large mouth of a monster that eats anything, was my favorite.
There is no protrusion of the canopy, and the field of view in front is visible on the cockpit monitor through the periscope.
In an emergency escape, the cockpit becomes a capsule and is ejected.
What a great idea and style.
When I was a child who knew the XF-103, it was my pleasure to imagine the XF-103 flying.
The XF-103 project was before I was born, but looked very futuristic.
The FSX and FSDS v3.5 are great items that bring life to these sad aircraft.
There are several designs for the XF-103.
The first design of 1951 was called AP-57 and the mockup was built in 1953.
And after being canceled, there was the 1957 design that Republic planned for research.
In the 1957 design, the distinctive two-dimensional exhaust nozzle of the XF-103 was removed and replaced with a regular round exhaust nozzle.
This FSX XF-103, the basic design was created with reference to the 1951 design.
It is probable that the 1951 design had no nose periscope protruding and was retractable.
However, I chose the fixed type of 1957.
And I also chose the lower tail fin of the 1957 design.
Because, for many years, the image of XF-103 in me was a mixture of 1951 and 1957 designs.
If the XF-103 was built and flew in the 1951 design, there may have been changes in the design stage.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// About this Model ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
After releasing the XF-91_v1 on January 16, 2019,
I started making this XF-103.In the first place, the exterior model of XF-103 (version 0) was completed in 2014, so I was planning to make only a few updates and a virtual cockpit.
However, while I was creating it, I changed my mind and decided to rebuild everything.
I had a lot of problems in the process, and I thought I would stop it many times, but I didn't want to cancel it like the actual XF-103.
The joy after completion resets all difficulties.
This FSX model is a twin jet engine, but basically it flies only with engine 1.
"Engine 2" is set as a ramjet engine.
With this FSX model, using both "Engine 1" and "Engine 2" will reach Mach 3 and above.
At takeoff, use only the turbojet engine "ENG1".
Turn on the ramjet engine at a speed of about Mach 1.3 around 25,000 to 30,000 feet.
I recommend using only turbojet engines when landing.
Fuel consumption is set very hard.
We recommend flying with high hardness, which consumes as little fuel as possible.
With external fuel, it can fly about 14,000 miles at an altitude of 3000 feet and a speed of Mach 0.9.
I looked for a lot of materials to create XF-103.
"Airpower Volume 34" published in 2004, feature article of XF-103 by Mr. Dennis R. Jenkins,
and "XF-103 Mach 3 Mesospheric Interceptor Concept" by Mr. Hugh Harkins was very important and surprised me.
In Japanese books, Mr. Ryoichi Sakamoto's special feature “AIR MONOGRAPH 84. REPABLIC XF-103” that appeared in the August issue of
the monthly magazine "AIR WORLD" purchased at a bookstore 36 years ago was a very valuable material.
XF-103 FSX model was created using "Abacus FS Design Studio V3.5".
The Flight dynamics was edited with "Airwrench 2" and "AirWizEd".
These are great tools that embody my ideas.
Gauges and textures are all my work.
Mr. Rob Barendregt gave me permission to use and modify the file for the XML gauge for effects.
His effect XML has been modified for my XF-103_v2.
And, I received advice from Mr. Erwin Welker, who is famous in the FSX world, and included a technique I did not know so far into XF-103_v2.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Rob Barendregt and Mr. Erwin Welker.
Enjoy the flight!
-----------------------------------Keyboard Commands------------------------------------------
:Missile bay open and close / Doors
:Cockpit capsule up down / Folding wing
:Cockpit capsule shield (Exterior model onry) / Tail hook
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Spec ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-Republic XF-103 Thunderwarrior -
Length: 76.8 ft (23.4m)
Height: 16.6 ft (5.06m)
Wingspan: 34.4 ft (10.48m)
Wing area: 401 sq ft (37.25㎡)
Empty weight: 24,959 lb (11,321 kg)
Max. takeoff weight: 42,864 lb (19,443 kg)
-Power unit: YJ67-W-3 turbojet engine-
Mil: 12,950 lbf at 6,175 rpm,
Max: 22,350 lbf - force with afterburning
-XRJ 55-W-1 ramjet engine-
Design Mach No / 3.0
Altitude / 55,000 ft
Thrust / 18,800 lbf
Fuselage Fuel capacity / 1,800 gallons (fwd 700 gal, main 745 gal, aft 355 gal)
Two Droppable tanks / 320 gallon,each
Maximum speed: Mach 3 or higher.
Total mission time: 12.1 minutes at 50,000 ft
Combat radius: 213 nm (394 km) at 589 knots agv in 0.83 hours
Ferry range: 1,343 nm (2,487 km) at 545 knots agv in 2.52 hours
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Install ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
If you have an earlier version of my XF-103 on your FSX, please remove it.
Unzip the downloaded "zue_xf103_v2" file.
Copy the "Sim Objects" and "Effects" folders inside the unzipped "zue_xf103_v2" folder.
Then paste it into the "Microsoft Flight Simulator X" folder.
You will find "FSX Republic XF-103 Thunderwarrior_v2" in your "Airplanes" folder.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Copyright /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1: Developing a flight simulation model has many years of time, knowledge and technology accumulated. I hope you understand that point.
2: This package is freeware.
3: The copyrights of models, panels, textures belong to me.
4: No one can copy this file and upload this model to any website on the Internet without my explicit permission.
5: I do not permit commercial use and paid distribution of this package.
6: To modify the specification of the model or to distribute texture repaints, my permission is necessary, please contact me.
7: I made this model for FSX ACCELERATION. I haven't checked for work outside of FSX.
8: I haven't had any problems with my computer using this package.
9: This model was created for my personal enjoyment. Please use at your own risk. I accept no responsibility in case of problems.
☆If you have any comments, please email me.
+UENOSHING+ Kanagawa Japan
mail: uenoshing@gmail.com
///////////////////////////////////////// COPYRIGHT (C) 2021 UENOSHING All RIGHTS RESERVED. ///////////////////////////////////////////
FSX Republic XF-103 Thunderwarrior_v2 // UENOSHING. 2021年5月5日
-------Version 2 への変更点 2021年5月5日 / FSX Republic XF-103 Thunderwarrior_v2 ----------
これはFSX ACCELERATION 用です。 他で動作するかどうかはテストしていません。
------------- 更新履歴 2020年6月16日 / FSX Republic XF-103 Thunderwarrior_v1.1 -------------
------------- 更新履歴 2020年6月3日 / FSX Republic XF-103 Thunderwarrior_v1-----------------
:FSX Republic XF-103 Thunderwarriorがリリースされました!
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// XF-103 の概要 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
FSXとFSDS v3.5はこれらの幻の航空機に命を与える素晴らしいアイテムです。
このFSX XF-103は、基本的なデザインにおいては1951年案を参考に制作しました。
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// このモデルについて //////-//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
そもそも2014年にはにXF-103(version 0)のエクステリアモデルは完成していましたので、少々のアップデートと、ヴァーチャルコックピットのみ作る予定でした。
2004年に発行された「Airpower Volume 34」のデニス・R・ジェンキンス氏によるXF-103の特集記事、
そしてヒュー・ハーキンス氏による「XF-103 Mach 3 Mesospheric Interceptor Concept」は非常に重要で、貴重な資料でした。
日本語の本では、36年前に書店で購入した月刊誌「AIR WORLD」8月号に掲載された坂本良一氏による特集記事「AIR MONOGRAPH 84. REPABLIC XF-103」がとても参考になりました。
XF-103 FSXモデルは、「Abacus FS Design Studio V3.5」を使用して作成しました。
フライトダイナミクスは「Airwrench 2」及び「AirWizEd」で編集しました。
エフェクトのXMLゲージには、Rob Barendregt氏から、私にファイルの使用と変更の許可を頂きました。
彼のエフェクト XMLを、XF-103_v2用に修正いたしました。
また、FSX界の大御所Erwin Welker氏からのアドバイスを受け、今まで知らなかったテクニックを授かり、これまたXF-103_v2に盛り込みました。
Rob Barendregt氏とErwin Welker氏の二人の大御所に敬意と感謝を申し上げます。
・ミサイルベイ開閉 / ドアー1,2,3,4
・コックピットカプセルのアップダウン / 折り畳み翼の展開
・コックピットカプセルシールドの開閉 (外観モデルのみ) / 着艦フック
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// スペック ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-Republic XF-103 Thunderwarrior -
全長: 76.8 ft (23.4m)
全高: 16.6 ft (5.06m)
全幅: 34.4 ft (10.48m)
翼面積: 401 sq ft (37.25㎡)
空虚重量t: 24,959 lb (11,321 kg)
最大離陸重量: 42,864 lb (19,443 kg)
-エンジン: YJ67-W-3 turbojet engine-
推力: 12,950 lbf at 6,175 rpm,
最大推力: 22,350 lbf - アフターバーナー時
-XRJ 55-W-1 ramjet engine-
最高速度 マッハ 3.0以上
高度 / 55,000 ft
推力 / 18,800 lbf
搭載燃料量 / 1,800 gallons (fwd 700 gal, main 745 gal, aft 355 gal)
外部燃料タンク / 320 gallon,each
最大速度: Mach 3 or higher.
迎撃行動時間: 12分 50,000 ft
戦闘行動半径:213 nm(394 km)589ノットagv 0.83時間
航続距離:1,343 nm(2,487 km)545ノットagv 2.52時間
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// インストール //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
解凍された「zue_xf103_v2」フォルダーの中にある、「SimObjects」と「Effects」フォルダーをコピーし、 「Microsoft Flight Simulator X」フォルダの中にペーストしてください。
あなたの「Airplanes」のフォルダに「FSX Republic XF-103 Thunderwarrior_v2」があります。
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 著作権についての重要事項 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1: フライトシミュレーションモデルの開発には、何年もの時間と知識と技術の蓄積があります。その点を尊重していただけたら幸いです。
2: このパッケージはフリーウェアです。使用に対して料金はかかりません。
3: モデル、パネル、テクスチャの著作権は、作者に帰属します。
4: 作者の明示的な許可なしに、このファイルをコピーしてインターネット上のいかなるwebサイトにもこのモデルをアップロードすることはできません。
5: このパッケージを商業目的で使用したり、有料で配布したりすることは許可していません。
6: モデルの仕様を改変、またはテクスチャのリペイントを配布する場合は、私の許可が必要です。私に連絡いただければ幸いです。
7: このモデルはFSX ACCELERATION用に作りました。FSX ACCELERATION以外では動作確認していません。
8: このパッケージの使用で、私のパソコンに問題は起きていません。
9: このモデルは私の個人的な楽しみで作成したものです。あなたの責任で使用してください。問題が発生した場合、私は責任を負いません。
+UENOSHING+ Kanagawa Japan
mail: uenoshing@gmail.com
/////////////////////////////////////// COPYRIGHT (C) 2021 UENOSHING All RIGHTS RESERVED. ///////////////////////////////////////////////