FSX Mitsubishi F1M2 Zerokan_v1
// UENOSHING fs model museum 008
// FSX Mitsubishi F1M2 Zerokan_v1.24
// Japanese Observation Aircraft in 1940
// (Single-engine biplane seaplane)
// by UENOSHING Oct 6,2024_Japan
Updated (Version 1.24)
1: Fixed the gun sight in the virtual cockpit. The structure inside the viewfinder has been reconsidered.
2: Added landing lights to the electric switch board in the virtual cockpit.
This makes it easier to use the aviation lights.
3: Fixed the textures of various parts and added missing textures.
4: Added gun effect CFG points. (Gun effect file required) In this case, the "I" key activates the gun effect.
5: Adjusted the air temperature gauge and fixed the overall gauge configuration.
6: Fixed some materials
Thanks to Ian for all his advice.
First, this update requires that you have version 1 of "FSX Mitsubishi F1M2 Zerokan" installed on FSX.
Unzip the downloaded "zue_f1m2_v1.24up.zip" file.
Copy the "SimObjects" folder from the unzipped "zue_f1m2_v1.24up" folder and drag it into the FSX folder to overwrite it.
1:/ 2024.09.16 / FSX Mitsubishi F1M2 Zerokan_v1
2:/ 2024.10.06 / FSX Mitsubishi F1M2 Zerokan_v1.24
This model is the Japanese Navy's Mitsubishi F1M2, also known as the Type Zero Observation Seaplane Model 11.
It was named Type Zero observation aircraft because it was officially adopted in the 2,600th year since the founding of Japan (1940).
By the way, the "Type Zero Observation Seaplane" is pronounced "Rei Siki Kansoku ki" in Japanese, so it was nicknamed "Zero Kan" or "Rei Kan."
Japan built more seaplanes than other countries.
This is probably because seaplanes, which do not require runways, were very convenient for Japan, which expanded its bases to the islands of Southeast Asia during WWII.
The Mitsubishi F1M2 was planned in 1935 as an observation aircraft (to observe the impact of cannon fire on battleships, etc.),
but high maneuverability was also required to eliminate enemy fighter planes that would interfere with the execution of the mission.
At that time, the Type 95 seaplane reconnaissance aircraft (Nakajima E8N) was shooting down many enemy aircraft on the Chinese front, so the Navy seemed to have confidence in float-equipped biplanes.
Around 1935, strong fighter planes had not yet been developed in any country, so a biplane with floats might have been effective.
It was an aircraft that deliberately chose an outdated biplane to fly high in a short time and to obtain maneuverability, and pursued its advantages to the utmost.
Therefore, it was also called "the last biplane".
During the Pacific War, battleships disappeared and aircraft carriers became mainstream, so the F1M2 could no longer fulfill its original role as a Observation aircraft.
As a result, it was used as a fighter plane, taking advantage of its high maneuverability, and has a track record of shooting down P-38 Lightnings, P-39 Aircobras, Curtiss P-40s, F4F Wildcats, and F6F Hellcats.
The F1M2 was not only used on battleships, but also on many seaplane carriers converted from cargo ships, and was also deployed to many land bases,
where it was used for convoy escort, anti-submarine patrol, reconnaissance, and sometimes bombing missions,
as well as air defense for remote island bases, making it what we would now call a multi-role fighter.
A total of 944 Mitsubishi F1M2s were built.
I think it is no exaggeration to say that this plane was the "Type Zero Seaplane Fighter."
About this model
This F1M2 model was built using Blender and FSDS v3.5.1.
After constructing the exterior using Blender, I extracted the FSX model from FSDSv3.5.1.
I only used Blender partially for the previous XFV-1 and XF10F.
Blender is a new 3D software, so it is naturally easy to use and allows you to thoroughly pursue the form, and FSDS is good at precision work.
I trust FSDS for parts division, texture mapping, animation settings, etc.
It is an old 3D software, so it is troublesome, but I like it very much.
I happened to find an old Japanese magazine "MARU MECHANIC / The Last Biplane / Type Zero Observation plane" on the Internet.
The cover of this magazine had an illustration of an F1M2 with its wings folded, which was very cool, so I was fascinated by the F1M2.
My FS model beliefs are "prototypes" and "never built aircraft", but I really wanted to build an F1M2.
The other reason is that when I was a child, I saw a photo of an airplane in my father's old album, and that was an F1M2.
During the war, my father volunteered for the "YOKAREN" (Naval Aviator Preparatory Course Trainee) in 1944.
However, the war ended while he was still a trainee, and the Japanese military organization was dissolved.
My father kept a photo of an F1M2 in an album as a memento of his time in the navy.
When I was a child, my father told me that he was going to train as a pilot in this Type 93 Akatonbo trainer.
However, it was only when I became an adult that I found out that the plane in the album was actually a Mitsubishi F1M2.
My father always misunderstood and insisted that it was a Type 93 Akatonbo trainer...
When I looked up the gray F1M2 in the photo, I found out that it was one used on the Sagara Maru seaplane carrier (UVI).
I just had to make this.
I also made one in dark green that was used on the Musashi battleship.
And since I like planes with metallic skin, I decided to make an F1M2 with metallic skin.
My father passed away a few years ago, but I would like to dedicate this "Mitsubishi F1M2 Zero Observation Seaplane" to him.
Please enjoy flying it like the Type 93 Akatonbo trainer in heaven.
I also dedicate this F1M2 to Kazunori Ito, a master of FS models and a fellow Japanese.
He also built the Mitsubishi F1M2 in the past, and his models influenced me a lot.
: This package contains two types of F1M2.
1: Early model/The cockpit windshield has three glass panels.
2: Late model/The cockpit windshield has six glass panels, and there is an air intake at the front of the top of the engine cowling.
: The texture of the "sagaeamaru_UVI" No. 5 aircraft was painted based on my imagination from a photo in my father's album. (It is unknown whether the No. 5 aircraft belonging to UVI actually existed.)
: The texture of the "musashi_213" No. 2 aircraft is imaginary. (It is unknown whether the No. 2 aircraft actually existed.)
: The "METAL" texture is my original paint. I like airplanes with a metallic texture.
I will definitely paint the "last biplane" made of duralumin metallic!
Also, the "Lockheed_Vega" gauge folder described in the PANEL.cfg[Window02] section of this F1M2 is not included in this model package.
If "Lockheed_Vega" is already in the "Gauge" folder of FSX, there is no problem, but if it is not, you will need the "Lockheed_Vega" gauge folder.
It's okay if you don't have it, but if you need it, please look for it on another site.
You will see the fun of FS customization!
1: Set the fuel to the required amount. Maximum tank capacity is 623 liters.
2: Check the fuel cocks (upper/center main tank, left side/left tank, right side/right tank)
3: Check the fuel control switch_upward. (downward closed)
4: Master battery_ON.
5: Alternator switch_ON.
6: Avionics switch_ON.
7: Mixture lever 100 percent !!!
8: Propeller pitch lever 100 percent !!!
7: Engine start switch ON.
!!!!!!!!!! Please raise the gear lever before taking off (so the trolley is out of sight) or you won't be able to take off! !!!!!!!!!!
: Maximum speed, about 370km/h.
: Climb to 5000m in about 9 minutes.
: Climb limit about 9000m.
: Flight distance when full tank is about 1070KM (altitude 4000m 110 knots)
: Takeoff and landing speed about 60 knots.
This aircraft cannot take off when the dolly is in sight.
Take off from the sea, lake, or river.
Drive the dolly to the water's edge.
Also, do not lower the gear lever while flying, or you will crash.
Have fun!
Special switch for F1M2 Zerokan
1: Gear lever = dolly
2: Battery switch = battery, pilot on board
Reference materials
In constructing the "FSX Mitsubishi F1M2 Zerokan", we referred to the following materials:
「MARU MECHANIC 1980 No.20 Type Zero Observation Plane 」Ushioshobo Co.,Ltd
Mitsubishi FiM2 / Type Zero Observation Seaplane Model 11
Length :9.5 m
Height :14.0 m
Width :11.0 m
Wing area :29.54 m²
Full load weight :2,550 kg
Weight :1928.5 kg
Maximum takeoff :2830 kg
Payload :621.5 kg
Engine :Mitsubishi air-cooled radial 14-cylinder "Zuisei 13"
Displacement :28.02 L
Turbocharger :Centrifugal turbocharger, 1 stage, 1 speed
Horsepower :800 HP (2,450 RPM) at takeoff
Horsepower :875 HP (2,540 RPM)
Maximum speed :370 km
Range :1,070 km (with full fuel)
Operating altitude :9,440 m
Climb rate :5,000 m / 9 min or 9 min 36 sec
Takeoff speed :57.5 knots
Landing speed :59.5 knots
Fuel capacity :623 liters (165 gal) total
Center main / 358 liters (95 gal)
Center lower / 130 liters (34 gal)
Left side / 67.5 liters (18 gal)
Right side / 67.5 liters (18 gal)
/ Type 97 7mm 7mm fixed machine gun (nose x 2)
/ Type 92 7mm 7mm rotating machine gun (rear rotating x 1)
/ 30kg or 60kg bombs x 2
////////// IMPORTANT COPYRIGHT NOTICE //////////
1: My flight simulation models are freeware, but not copyright free.
2: My flight simulation models are copyrighted by me, the author.
3: My flight simulation models are free to download for personal enjoyment only.
4: Do not use my flight simulation models for commercial purposes. That's a serious rule violation.
5: Do not convert my flight simulation models into other formats and distribute them for free or for a fee. That's a serious rule violation.
6: You need my permission to modify the specifications of my flight simulation models or distribute texture repaints. Please contact me.
7: Models, panels, effects, gauges, textures, etc. are copyrighted by the author.
8: Do not copy these files and upload my flight simulation models to any website on the internet without the explicit permission of the author.
9: Developing my flight simulation models required countless trials and errors, many years, a lot of knowledge accumulation, and a lot of skill. I hope you understand that.
(Revised on 2023.07)
////////// DISCLAIMER //////////
1: My flight simulation models are created for my personal enjoyment.
2: This is for FSX ACCELERATION, so I haven't tested it to work other than FSX ACCELERATION.
3: I haven't had any problems with my computer using this package.
4: I accept no responsibility if you have any problems using my flight simulation models.
5: Please use these files entirely at your own risk.
(Revised on 2023.07)
If you have any comments, please email me at the address below.
+UENOSHING+fs model museum
Email: uenoshing@gmail.com
http: uenoshing.hatenablog.com/
https: uenoshing.wixsite.com/mysite/home
//////////////////////////////////////////////////// COPYRIGHT (C) 2024 UENOSHING ALL RIGHTS RESERVED /////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////
// UENOSHING fs model museum 008
// FSX Mitsubishi F1M2 Zerokan_v1.24
// Single-engine Seaplane Biplane in 1940
// by UENOSHING Oct 6,2024_Japan
更新 (バージョン1.24)
1: バーチャルコックピットのガンサイトを修正。ファインダー内の構造を再検討した。
3: 各部テクスチャの修正と、不足していたテクスチャの追加。
4: ガンエフェクトCFGポイントの追加。 (ガンエフェクトファイルが必要です)
5: 一部のゲージを修正しました。
6: 一部マテリアルの修正
まず、このアップデートにはバージョン1の「FSX Mitsubishi F1M2 Zerokan」がFSXにインストールされている必要があります。
1:/ 2024.09.16 / FSX Mitsubishi F1M2 Zerokan_v1
2:/ 2024.10.06 / FSX Mitsubishi F1M2 Zerokan_v1.24
このモデルは、大日本帝国海軍の三菱F1M2、又の名を 零式水上観測機 11型です。
たまたまネットで見かけた日本の古い雑誌「MARU MECHANIC 最後の複葉機 F1M2 零式観測機」を見つけました。
私が初めて F1M2 に出会ったのは、幼少の頃に見た父の写真アルバムでした。
私が幼い頃、父はこの 93 式赤とんぼ練習機で飛ぶはずだったんだよと、よく話していました。
このアルバムの写真に写っている飛行機が実は三菱 F1M2 だったことを知ったのは、私が大人になってからでした。
その写真に写っているグレーのF1M2は調べてみたら「水上機母艦相良丸」搭載機 (UVI)でした。
数年前に父は他界しましたが、この「三菱F1M2 零式水上観測機」を父に捧げたいと思います。
また、このF1M2のPANEL.cfg [Window02] セクションに記載されている「Lockheed_Vega」ゲージフォルダは、このモデルパッケージには含まれていません。
: METAL」のテクスチャは、私のオリジナル塗装です。私は金属地の飛行機が好きなので。
また、このF1M2のPANEL.cfg [Window02]セクションに記載されている「Lockheed_Vega」ゲージフォルダは、このモデルパッケージには含まれていません。
あなたの「FSX」-「Gauges」 フォルダに「Lockheed_Vega」フォルダが既にある場合は問題ありませんが、ない場合は「Lockheed_Vega」ゲージフォルダが必要です。
2: 燃料コックの確認_(上方/ 中央メインタンク、左側 / 左タンク、右側 / 右タンク)
3: 燃料制御スイッチの確認_上向き。(下向き閉じる)
4: マスターバッテリー_ON。
5: オルタネータースイッチ_ON。
6: アヴィオニクススイッチ_ON。
7: ミクスチャレバー 100パーセント!!!
8: プロペラピッチレバー 100パーセント!!!
7: エンジン始動スイッチ ON。
!!!!!!!!!! 離水する前にギアレバーを上げてください、(台車を見えなくする)さもなくば離水できません!!!!!!!!!!
: 最高速度、約 370km/h。
: 約 9 分で 5000m まで上昇します。
: 上昇限界は約 9000m。
: 燃料満タン時の飛行距離は約1070KM(高度4000m 110ノット)
: 離着陸速度は約60ノット。
F1M2 Zerokan のための特殊なスイッチ
「FSX 三菱 F1M2 Zerokan」を構築するにあたり、下記の資料を参考にしました。
・「丸メカニック 1980 No.20 零式観測機 」潮書房
・「世界の傑作気 海軍零式観測機 No.136」文林堂
三菱 F1M2 零式水上観測機 11型
全長 :9.5 m
全高 :14.0 m
全幅 :11.0 m
翼面積 :29.54 m²
全装備重量 :2,550 kg
空虚重量t :1,928.5 kg
最大離陸重量 :2,830 kg
搭載量 :621.5 kg
発動機 :空冷星型14気筒「瑞星一三型」
排気量 :28.02リットル
過給機 :遠心式スーパーチャージャー1段1速
離称馬力 :800HP (2,450 RPM)
公称馬力 :875HP (2,540 RPM)
最高速度 :370 km
航続距離 :1,070 ㎏ (燃料満タン時)
実用上昇限度 :9,440 m
上昇率 :5,000 m / 9分または9分36秒
離水速度 :57.5 ノット
着水速度 :59.5 ノット
搭載燃料量 :全合計 623 リットル (165ガロン)
中央メイン 358 リットル (95ガロン)
中央下 130リットル (34ガロン)
胴体側面左 67.5リットル (18ガロン)
胴体側面右 67.5リットル (18ガロン)、
武装 :九七式七粍七固定機銃(機首×2)
1: 私のフライトシミュレーションモデルはフリーウェアですが、著作権フリーではありません。
2: 私のフライトシミュレーションモデルは作成者である私が著作権を保持します。
3: 私のフライトシミュレーションモデルは各個人で楽しむ限り、誰もが無料でダウンロードできます。。
4: 私のフライトシミュレーションモデルを商業目的で使用しないでください。それは重要なルール違反です。
5: 私のフライトシミュレーションモデルを他の形式に変換して無償または有料で配布しないでください。それは重要なルール違反です。
6: 私のフライトシミュレーションモデルの仕様を改変、またはテクスチャのリペイントを配布する場合は私の許可が必要です。私に連絡いただければ幸いです。
7: モデル、パネル、エフェクト、ゲージ、テクスチャなど、作者に著作権があります。
8: 作者の明示的な許可なしに、これらのファイルをコピーしてインターネット上のいかなるwebサイトにもアップロードすることはできません。
9: 私のフライトシミュレーションモデルの開発には、数えきれない試行錯誤があり、たくさんの時間を費やし、たくさんの知識とスキルの蓄積してきました。その点を尊重していただけたら幸いです
(2023年 7月改定)
1: 私のフライトシミュレーションモデルは私の個人的な楽しみで作成したものです
2: このモデルはFSX ACCELERATION 用に作りました。FSX ACCELERATION 以外で動作確認をしていません。
3: このモデルの使用で、私のパソコンに問題は起きていません。。
4: このモデルの使用で、問題が発生した場合、私は責任を負いません。
5: これらのファイルは完全に自己責任で使用してください。
(2023年 7月改定)
+UENOSHING+fs model museum
Email: uenoshing@gmail.com
http: uenoshing.hatenablog.com/
https: uenoshing.wixsite.com/mysite/home
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